How To Get Verified On Instagram?

How To Get Verified On Instagram - 0xTechie

Instagram verification is a coveted status that many users strive for. A verified account signifies that the account is legitimate and the owner is who they claim to be. 

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This can be especially important for businesses, influencers, and public figures as it can help increase trust and credibility with their audience. In this blog post, we will discuss how to get verified on Instagram.

Cristiano Ronaldo - - 0xTechie
e.g: Verfied Instagram A/c of Cristiano Ronaldo

Step 1: Make Sure Your Account Meets Instagram's Eligibility Requirements

Before you apply for verification, make sure your account meets Instagram's eligibility requirements.

  • Your account must be in good standing, which means it must be active and not have any violations of Instagram's terms of service. 
  • Additionally, your account must be complete, with a bio, profile picture, and at least one post.

Step 2: Create a Unique and Consistent Brand Identity

Having a unique and consistent brand identity can increase your chances of getting verified.

  • This includes having a consistent username, profile picture, and bio that accurately represents your brand.
  • Additionally, make sure your content is high-quality and relevant to your audience.

Step 3: Build a Large and Engaged Following

Instagram takes into account the size and engagement of your following when considering verification. Having a large and engaged following can increase your chances of getting verified.

To build a large and engaged following, focus on creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and collaborating with other accounts in your niche.

Step 4: Submit a Verification Request

Once you have met all of Instagram's eligibility requirements and have built a large and engaged following, you can submit a verification request.

How To Get Verified On Instagram - Application Process - 0xTechie

  1. To do this, go to your profile and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
  2. Next, tap on Settings, then tap on Account, then tap on Request Verification.
  3. You will then be prompted to provide your account name, a copy of your ID, and a reason why you would like to be verified.

Step 5: Wait for a Response

After you submit your verification request, it may take several weeks for Instagram to review your request and make a decision.

If your request is approved, you will receive a notification in the app and a blue tick will appear next to your account name. If your request is denied, you can submit another request after 30 days.


In conclusion, getting verified on Instagram can be a great way to increase trust and credibility with your audience.

To increase your chances of getting verified, make sure your account meets Instagram's eligibility requirements, create a unique and consistent brand identity, build a large and engaged following, and submit a verification request.

Remember that the process may take several weeks and you can submit another request after 30 days if your first request is denied.

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